Congratulations to RayAnn Garcia for being chosen as Art & Art History’s banner carrier for graduation this week. This honor is based on outstanding academic record together with strong nominations from faculty and staff. Banner carriers signify to the audience that all graduates from a particular department are about to enter Moby Arena during the graduation ceremony. Garcia will receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts with dual concentrations in Graphic Design and Fibers, with a Minor in Apparel & Merchandising.

“Over the course of my university journey, I have learned so many skills and qualities that I am beyond grateful for,” says Garcia, “I learned how to be resilient, strong, hardworking, motivated, dedicated, and ambitious. The experiences that I’ve had and the people that I’ve met have all been an abundant contribution to my higher education journey and success. I have always been dedicated to move in a direction that makes my dreams become reality and seeing how far I’ve come is truly so rewarding. I’ve learned how to welcome growth and change as a positive thing, and my goal is to keep learning how to become a better person, friend, sister, daughter, worker, and woman. I’ve had beyond beautiful experiences and I’ve had the privilege of doing so by being an ethnically mixed and first-generation independent student. I am excited for the future and cannot wait to see what is in store.”

Garcia is anxiously waiting to start her career. “I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to be a Graphic Design intern at a marketing company in Denver,” she says, “The marketing company advocates for change towards a positive future and promotes a happy and healthier life for the earth and the individuals living upon it. After my internship I plan on finding a full-time position as a Graphic Designer working on branding, package design, and typography.”