Congratulations to Rachel Garrison for being chosen as Art & Art History’s banner carrier for this spring’s graduation! This honor is based on outstanding academic record together with strong nominations from faculty and staff. Banner carriers signify to the audience that all graduates from a particular department are about to enter Moby Arena during the graduation ceremony. Garrison will receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in painting.

“The most important thing that I learned while studying painting is to be vulnerable,” says Garrison, ‘Being vulnerable allowed me to find solace in my work. As artists, we are oftentimes under immense pressure to create art in an altruistic manner. However, it is also important to create for ourselves. The process of creating in the studio while confronting fierce emotions is beautiful and mind-expanding. Because I tapped into that part of myself, I now crave artmaking instead of being intimidated by perfectionism or what others may think. Furthermore, being unreserved created connections with my community at the same time. Vulnerability in my work healed deep wounds and gave me an open heart for others.”

After graduating, Garrison plans on taking a year off to explore career paths in the arts and practicing good habits.