Please welcome Xinran Yuan as the Director of Exhibitions and Community Engagement for the Department of Art and Art History! Xinran will be overseeing the department’s main exhibition spaces, including the Hatton Gallery, as well as exhibitions and programming partnerships both on and off campus.

A trained sculptor, she loves woodworking, casting, printmaking, poetry, and book arts. Having practiced as a curator, producer, and cultural programs strategist in NYC for a decade, her curatorial works explores the intersection of art, emerging technologies, and planet-scale biodiversity. She has led major programs and commissions at Rhizome of the New Museum of Contemporary Art, Meta Open Arts, HTC VIVE Arts, and has collaborated with artists like Cai Guo-Qiang, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Albert Oehlen, Baseera Khan, among others.

Xinran is excited to collaborate with fellow artists, researchers, and practitioners across disciplines, and explore new exhibition and programming models at AAH.