Dave Riep’s exhibition catalog for Shattering Perspectives published

David Riep’s exhibition catalog for Shattering Perspectives: A Teaching Collection of African Ceramics was published in Fall 2023. It features his original research on African pottery, as well as the research of students. Del Harrow, Lynn Boland, Patricia Coronel, and Brenna McWhorter wrote contributing essays. For this catalog. Additionally, Riep’s chapter on South Sotho Lithoko […]

Rocky Mountain Pre-Columbian Association’s Annual Colloquium to be held at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Catherine DiCesare, associate professor of Art History, is one of three co-founders of the regional Rocky Mountain Pre-Columbian Association (RMPA), and a founding organizer of the RMPA annual colloquium. The Rocky Mountain Pre-Columbian Association is hosting its 8th annual colloquium at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science in Denver, Colorado on Friday, September 29. The […]

Congratulations to the 2023 Art History Symposium Winner, Ella Rupp!

Congratulations to Ella Rupp for winning the 2023 Art History Symposium with a presentation about Julia Buffaloheadʼs Be Careful What You Wish For. Rupp’s presentation is about artist Julie Buffalohead and discusses her painting Be Careful What You Wish For (2006). Rupp explores conflicts of new motherhood and internal conflicts surrounding her dualling Indigenous and European […]