Instructor of Art History


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Instructor of Art History
  • Concentration:

    • Art History
  • Department:

    • Art and Art History
  • Education:

    • PhD


BA Art History, German, Gender Studies - Lawrence University
MA Art History and Cultural Studies - University of Pittsburgh
PhD Art History and Cultural Studies - University of Pittsburgh



“Restored, Repurposed, Reassessed:  The Abbey Church of Quedlinburg across Five Germanys.” In:  A Companion to the Abbey of Quedlinburg in the Middle Ages (Karen Blough), Brill Publishing, 2022.

“ ‘Now I prophesize, Lehnin, your future destiny’:  Christoph Hehl and Romanesque Revival in the Rosary Church (1899-1900).”  Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 9, no. 1 (Spring 2010).

“Restored, Reassessed, Redeemed:  The SS Past at the Collegiate Church of St. Servatius in Quedlinburg.”  In Beyond Berlin:  Twelve German Cities Confront the Nazi Past, edited by Paul B. Jaskot and Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, University of Michigan Press, 2008.

“Striking Gold:  The Lives of Byzantine Coins Along the Silk Roads.” Sino-Platonic Papers, no. 142 (July 2004):  38-48.