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Date(s) - November 4, 2023
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Gregory Allicar Museum of Art


Linocut Printmaking Workshop with Johnny Plastini

Robert W. Hoffert Learning Center: Saturday, November 4, 1-4 p.m.

Printmaker and Associate Professor Johnny Plastini leads a special workshop on linoleum carving and printing! Held in conjunction with the current exhibition Demonstrating Democracy, this workshop will feature an historical presentation by museum director Lynn Boland on Mexican linoleum and woodblock prints followed by hands-on printmaking practice. Participants will each carve a 6 x 9 in. linoleum block and produce three prints to take home (after heat setting).

This workshop requires a $10 materials fee, which will go towards ink, linoleum blocks, and paper. Please visit our online store to pay the $10. Paying this materials fee automatically registers you for workshop.

REGISTER for the workshop by paying the $10 materials fee.

Any questions? Email us at artmuseum@colostate.edu.


Ongoing support for the museum’s exhibitions and programming is generously provided by the City of Fort Collins Fort Fund, the FUNd Endowment at CSU, and Colorado Creative Industries. CCI and its activities are made possible through an annual appropriation from the Colorado General Assembly and federal funds from the National Endowment for the arts.

Fort Fund