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Date(s) - March 1, 2021 - March 31, 2021
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Chinn wang headshot


Chinn Wang’s current work explores ideas of lineage and identity, in addition to complicated transitions in desire, expectancy, chance, and mortality. The literal and metaphorical shape of things permeate her perception of the world as she navigates dynamic and disorienting upheaval through her experiences as an artist, educator, daughter, parent, and citizen. Wang endeavors to reveal a unique dilemma of parenthood—the ceding of one identity for another and the perpetual grappling with a complex and layered sense of self. The parallel pathways of gratitude and yearning, yields both symmetry and contradiction in her studio practice and in her life.  

Chinn Wang’s art practice is concerned with the subjective nature of personal narrative and history and the examination of the fluidity and ambiguity of memory. Often employing coded visual languages and symbolic iconography, Wang is interested in the digital and analog manipulation of images, pushing optical limits past the point of legibility into abstraction and then back again. In this way, images vibrate between clarity and obfuscation, demonstrating the futility and interplay between fiction and nonfiction. Her work seeks to create a non-passive viewing experience that compels a constant questioning of material, space, and image, highlighting the shifting balance between what is real and what is imagined. 

Chinn Wang (pronunciation: Cheen Wong) earned her MFA from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a dual BA in Art Practice and Art History from the University of California, Berkeley. She has exhibited nationally and internationally at the Denver Art Museum, the Korean Cultural Center in Beijing, China, and the Dairy Arts Center, Boulder, and has been a resident artist at Redline Denver. Her 2019 solo exhibition, Soaking Up Local Color, was held at The Print Center in Philadelphia. Wang is a Teaching Associate Professor and Foundations Coordinator in the School of Art & Art History at the University of Denver and lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Reserve your visit: masks and social distancing required. A limited number of visitors is permitted at a time, hand sanitizer available. Visits by appointment, or walk-in as numbers permit.

Gallery Hours: Monday and Tuesday 10a.m.-1p.m. | Wednesday and Thursday  12 – 3p.m. or by appointment

This project is funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for The Arts from The City of Fort Collins, Fort Fund Grant, and the Printmaking area in the Department of Art and Art History at Colorado State University.