
Engage your curiosity through the hands-on experience of clay.
Who We Are

The Pottery concentration houses a vibrant community of committed makers, with faculty, undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students working side by side, encouraging, challenging, and inspiring one another.
Pottery, like all studio crafts, is both a practical and creative practice that opens up the mission of the Humanities within the Land-Grant University vision.
Student Work

As a student in the Pottery concentration, you will engage in the rigorous development of both making and thinking practices. You will be invested equally in technical skill, imaginative reach, technology and, aesthetics.
Post-Baccalaureate Program
This one-year, intensive studio program is designed for self-motivated students who have completed their undergraduate education and are seeking focused study in preparation for graduate school or other professional practice. Students are accepted by portfolio review. They work closely with the Pottery area faculty in the development of their own work, assist in the function of the studio, and often work as teaching assistants for undergraduate classes.
To request info about the Pottery Post-bac Program Contact Sanam Emami
Our Facilities

Experiment in our laboratory & test the boundaries of your imagination. Our studio is a laboratory that occupies 4,000 square feet & houses an impressive collection of tools for creating in clay.
The Visual Arts Building has its own dedicated Digital Fabrication Lab where you can learn 3D modeling & printing, the operation of laser cutters, & the use of CNC machinery. The Nancy Richardson Design center is a short walk away & several of our faculty members serve as instructors.

The classroom has 17 Lockerbie Pottery wheels, a treadle wheel, a Model 16 Adaptive Brent pottery wheel that is wheelchair accessible, an extruder, a spray booth, an installation space, a plaster mixing area, and an open studio space for building storing work. In addition, there are 12 electric kilns, 2 gas reduction kilns (one computer controlled for large sculpture), & a salt kiln. The studio provides space & materials for construction of special purpose & experimental kilns. It also contains a comprehensive glaze & materials lab, & two clay mixers.
Our Faculty
We are deeply committed to mentoring each student in developing their individual creative voice within the wider continuum of contemporary art and the diverse histories of material culture.
Sanam Emami
- Professor of Pottery
Del Harrow
- Associate Professor of Pottery, Sculpture